Tuesday, April 13, 2010

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On Sunday morning I called Cynthia to give me the sad news that Cami was hospitalized in intensive care.
For those who do not know, I invite you to stop by her blog to learn more of their history and their daddies Nati and Norberto: "smile for the soul"
Cami is a beautiful princess who always gives us her smile, which always has the surface, hence the name of your blog. It's a super brave and feisty girl who has spent all, but still went ahead aided by the tremendous love of their parents and the people around her.
I have the pleasure of knowing her and to Nati, his mother. We knew "cyber" through the blogs of sin and the truth without seeing the faces and we joined a very special affection. It was because I could finally know Cindy personally to the two so we can hug and talk a great time with Nati and die of love with the smile and the mischievous look of Cami.

Alicia's mom Manu, in his blog explains a bit better than I can do the situation that Cami went into intensive care on Sunday 11 April (two days ago)

"Cami is admitted to the Hosp. Garraham since Friday, is based pneumonia in both lungs. She had been hospitalized last week went well and after 3 days began to feel ill with high fever, a virus apparently grabbed hospital when he was there, they are doing studies to find that virus is not yet known. This afternoon I stopped by the hosp. to see how he was and spending some time with Natalie and Norberto, their parents, who do not understand how this situation came to Cami, saturating was very low, making much effort to breathe with the mustache, so they decided to intubation, it is with respirator and her drug induced coma. Doctors are optimistic because they say that Cami previously never had problems breathing, so it has the potential to recover from this. Yesterday I had very low platelets, but it rose nearly to the normal amount. And today in the afternoon had problems of low pressure, but it was stabilizing. You have to wait for the next party is Monday at noon. I ask you to do a prayer chain to pray for the health of Camilla, who have the strength to overcome this situation, and by parents who also have strength ... "

text message today I Contacted back to Alice to see if I was new, told me that the medical report yesterday said that the gordita is stable and that any studies conducted to detect what type of virus was affecting gave negative, ie, they found none. He also told me he was better with the respirator saturating 60%.

I urge you to join this prayer chain for Cami to succeed, and that while improved, is still in a delicate situation may change at any moment. Let us ask this not to happen and the continued progress minute by minute.
us pray also for Nati and Norberto continue having faith and hope that everything will go well and have the strength to endure this difficult time.

I'll be uploading anything new that I got the blog to keep up to date.



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